Reza Savadkouhi

Knowledge Portal

Asynchronous API Fetching with Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction In the field of web development, the ability to retrieve data from APIs plays a vital role in creating dynamic and interactive applications. However, the traditional synchronous API calls, which execute one request at a time, may cause delays and hinder the performance of your application when managing multiple...

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REACT JS – Simplify Data Fetching in React with Hooks and Context

Introduction Fetching data from APIs is a common task in React applications, which involves handling asynchronous operations. This can become difficult, particularly when dealing with multiple components that require access to the fetched data. To make this process simpler, React provides two powerful features: custom hooks and context. Custom hooks are...

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JavaScript – Dealing with REST API using async/await

Introduction In this exercise, you will use JavaScript to fetch data from a REST API and manipulate the data using asynchronous functions. The API we will use is, which provides a collection of mock JSON data for web development. Our task is to fetch all users from the API,...

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JavaScript – Dealing with REST API using .then()

Introduction In this exercise, we will use JavaScript to fetch data from a REST API and manipulate the data. The API we will use is, which provides a collection of mock JSON data for web development. Our task is to read all the posts from the API and change...

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